luciano de falco alfano's website

Time trend analysis of Covid-19 outbreak

This site section is to show the time trend of Covid-19 outbreak.

Here you can select one or more nations or continents to compare their time trend of total cases of positive infection to the viruses. Please do not select too many nations, or the graph will be unreadable.
You can select a time interval to show the trend inside it. In this case be warned that you can forget, or not, data present in days before the chosen start of the time interval. To forget data before a given date could be useful to analize duly the trend of the infection in a specific time interval.

Alternatively you can use some other query type. Here you can check data about all the world as a unit, or about the N worst nations in the world, and others. Be aware that you can select the World also as a continent in nations or continents.
In this windows you have the same types of controls present in nations or continents to build the wanted query.

Data available range from 2019-12-31 to 2020-12-14 and regard 214 between countries and territories.


This site uses data published by European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control. This Agency every day at noon updates data about the spread of Covid-19 disease in all the world. Therefore this site is updated at 13:15 CET (or CEST, when daylight saving time is in charge).


From on 14th December 2020 ECDC is going to change data publishing policy. We report from their WEB site:

"ECDC will switch to a weekly reporting schedule for the COVID-19 situation ... on 17 December this year. Hence, all daily updates will be discontinued from 14 December. ECDC will publish updates on the number of cases and deaths reported worldwide and aggregated by week every Thursday".

Hence this site could experiences some trouble after the above quoted date. We apologize for every inconvenient we caused.


Thank you to visit this site. Just in case you have nothing more interesting to do, here you can read my blog. Most of the articles are in Italian language, some of them are translated in English language.

Enjoy. ldfa

click here   to show/hide history of this section

- reorganizing user interface of query criterions in "select" and "world ..."
- fast selection of last 7 and last 30 days in "time interval"
- handling the presence of a NaN data in last day table
- preserve initial cases/deaths in case of time interval
- check on "Interval" in other_select
- reorganize table about last day data
- some bug fixing
- UI: separating mandatory main fields (cases, deaths) from optional secondary fields (cases/day, ...)
- reorganizing select UI (fields, time interval, ... on top of user's window)
- adding ratio over population
- adding "Worst World" query in other select
- adding "Worst EU" query in other select
- adding field cases/day
- changing denomination field d²cases_dt² to Δcases/day
- using bootstrap icons instead of "more info ..."
- adding possibility to show observations about the entire World
- adding possibility to chose date interval, check them and check nations vs continents
- added a table of data values on the last day in the picture
- added a summary table of data used to build chosen observations to draw
- added European Union in nations
- added South, Central and North America sub continents
- added the second derivative of total positive cases to show the curve concavity
- a better user interface to select nations
- added the comparison between continents
- user can choose what infos to plot: positive cases and/or deaths